When many begin performing legal research, they do not know where to begin. Finding case law and statutory law can feel cumbersome.
One great way to perform legal research is to seek out law reviews articles online. If you are looking for law review articles, you can find them online fairly easily at this link: Law Technology Today.
Law review articles can be written by law professor and law students. Sometimes, they can be written lawyer as well.
A law review article might be written on a specific legal topic. Often, these articles cover very specific niches.
They great part about law review articles is you can often find the case and statutory law you are looking for in one article. You can also get helpful legal analysis from others who have studied in these areas.
Certainly, law review articles are not binding on courts. But some judges and courts might find law review articles helpful as well.
If you are not knowing where to begin your legal research, look no further than helpful law review articles online.